Making ‘Hope and History Rhyme’


David Blevins, the Ireland Correspondent for Sky News, spoke at The King’s College in New York City in October, 2015, on the role of the media in Northern Ireland’s peace process.

A reporter with the London-based cable news network for nearly 18 years, Blevins grew up in Northern Ireland during the conflict and witnessed first-hand the region’s inspirational journey from war to peace. He reported the IRA and loyalist paramilitary ceasefires, the brokering of the historic Good Friday Agreement and the establishment of power-sharing government. He was nominated for the Royal Television Society Award for his coverage of the worst single atrocity of the conflict, the bombing of Omagh, in which 29 people were killed.

Blevins has an undergraduate Diploma in Journalism, a post-graduate Degree in Theology and a keen interest in the reporting on faith issues, particularly in places where religion has been an element of the conflict. He is married to Ruth and they have three children.